ACE Prep – 8 Week Arm Care Clinic with Gabriel Alvarez

Ages: 10u-18u

Dates: November 7 – January 2

Days: Mondays (no session on December 26)

Times: 6:30-8:00pm

Cost $175

Gabe Alvarez and top Physical Therapist will be leading the camp.

Ace Prep camps are creating more focus and body awareness to include a synergetic combination of how to push the body and how to properly activate dormant muscles, soft tissue, joints and reconditioning the overworked body.

Range of Motion & Stretching
We are working systematically (Foot to Finger Tip) throughout the Kinetic Chain to lessen the load on the athletes Arm & Shoulder.

Strengthening the Arm
We do this by keeping the arm and shoulder complex stable and flexible to avoid injury caused by exhaustion, inadequate preparation or the lack of a proper warm-up routine.

Each individual athlete should always strive to be enhancing performance while preventing injury because injuries are never worth the risk when you are trying to reach your personal performance goals!