Paul Ahearne’s Bat Exit Velocity Hitting Clinic – Powered by DRIVELINE
Ages: 13U-18U
Bring: Bat, helmet, water
10 Sessions
Days: Thurdays
Dates: November 3 – January 19 (no session on November 24 or December 29)
Times: 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm
Cost $375
BAT EXIT VELOCITY HITTING CLINIC – Powered by DRIVELINE is geared towards two key areas: developing rotational power and improving overall movement patterns. You’ll be given the tools and programming to focus on these two areas to optimize performance and help hitters develop both short and long term.
Bat Exit Velocity Boot Camp Details:
- Bat Exit Velocity Test In and Test Out Measurements
- Progressional Swings with Weighted bats and plyo-balls
- 100-200+ swings per session
- In-Depth Video Analysis
- Explosive Movement Preparation and Speed Development